Key Flag awarded to ‘Pionien Koti’ (Home of Peonies)

The Association for Finnish Work has awarded Taivassalo-based Pionien Koti / Taivassalon Puutarhapalvelu Ky the Key Flag symbol in recognition of a service produced in Finland that creates Finnish jobs.
The Key Flag is a sign of Finnish work. The primary criterion for awarding the symbol is always that a product is made in Finland or a service is produced in Finland. In addition, the domestic content of a product or service must be at least 50 per cent of its break-even cost. A company applying for the Key Flag symbol for services must also have significant domestic ownership, as well as having its management and head office located in Finland.
Avainlippu on merkki suomalaisesta työstä. Merkin myöntämisen ensisijaisena kriteerinä on aina se, että tuotteen on oltava valmistettu tai palvelun tuotettu Suomessa. Lisäksi suomalaisten kustannusten osuus palvelun omakustannusarvosta, eli kotimaisuusasteen, on oltava vähintään 50 prosenttia. Palvelu-Avainlippua hakevalla yrityksellä on myös oltava merkittävä kotimainen omistusosuus, Suomessa toimiva johto ja yrityksen pääkonttorin tulee sijaita Suomessa.
Pionien Koti – Finnish family business
We are a local business
Our nursery is located in the sunny Taivassalo. In addition to the entrepreneurs, two to six people work in our garden, depending on the season. Also getting the ordered peonies to the customer requiers the work contributions of several people from several different professions.
The process of growing peony seedlings from us to you
Our peonies are known for their quality. All the container plants we sell have overwintered in their pots here in Taivassalo, which enables flexible planting throughout the season. For the production of container plants, we use Finnish potting soil, which is packaged in a Finnish factory and delivered to us by a Finnish transport company. The electricity for the cold storage used for winter and spring storage of peonies and the fuel oil for the greenhouse are produced and delivered to us by Finnish companies and their staff. Our website and our online store are developed here in Taivassalo, we get help from experts from Turku and the website itself “lives” on servers in Pori.
Tack till alla parter som påverkar vår verksamhet. Och naturligtvis ett stort tack och en bugning till alla våra kunder!
– Tuula Uusi-Honko, Entreprenör, Pionien Koti
The Key Flag symbol is very well known in Finland
According to a study conducted by the Association for Finnish Work, practically all Finnish consumers and business executives know the Key Flag symbol. The majority of Finns (75%) also state that the Key Flag symbol has a positive impact on their purchasing decisions. Approximately half of the Finnish population associate the symbol with responsibility.
Marketing Manager Reetta Mentu of the Association for Finnish Work states that people regard buying domestic services as a way of influencing society and a responsible value choice that contributes to Finnish competitiveness and prosperity. “Consumers associate the Key Flag symbol with a positive image of domestic quality, reliability, safety, responsibility and employment. With the Key Flag symbol, companies can communicate important values to their customers and other stakeholders. 92 per cent of companies that have been awarded the Key Flag symbol state that the symbol supports the sales of products and services,” explains Reetta Mentu.
Further information
Tuula Uusi-Honko, Entrepreneur, Taivassalon Puutarhapalvelu Ky, Contact info
Marketing Manager, the Association for Finnish Work, tel. +358 50 561 5030,
The Key Flag symbol is a mark of origin awarded to products made in Finland and services produced in Finland. The Key Flag symbol is carried by around 5,000 different products, product groups and services.
The Association for Finnish Work endeavours to increase the appreciation of Finnish work and to further the success of Finnish work. Our duty is to promote employment in Finland.